Mandate & Scope


As membership based apex body, EAHP’s mandate has two prongs. The first source of mandate is inspired by articles 7, 118, 127, 128 and 129 of the Treaty for the Establishment of the East African Community (EAC) to provide coordination of the voices, structured representation of its members in order to effectively drive sustainable health development and growth in the region. The second source of mandate is by virtue of the fact that EAHP is a membership apex body and the aspirations of the members becomes an automation for EAHP should do and how.


EAHP geographic coverage is defined within the context of the East Africa Community (EAC) membership with current Partner States being Republic Burundi, Republic Kenya, Republic Rwanda, Republic South Sudan, United Republic of Tanzania and Republic of Uganda. The sector focus is defined in the context of article 118, and membership eligibility is defined in the context of the articles 127, 128 and 129 of the EAC treaty.

EAHP believes in value creation hence its programmes’ form and direction are based on needs of members and the community at large while inspired by partners at any given time and space.


Values and Principles


We conduct our business with utmost professionalism to provide effective advocacy and engagement opportunities with the EAC members. These services include but not limited to; Physical therapy services to individual or clients, to serve the profession, and to positively influence the health of society.


We operate with clarity, consistency, honesty, transparency with zero tolerance for corruption. We avoid ambiguity, subterfuge, and hidden agendas. Our actions, decision-making rationale and position on issues shall be transparent to all its stakeholders and shall all be clearly linked to the interests of its members.

Value Creation

We constantly strive to enable our members to become high- performance actors building a record of accomplishment of responsiveness, relevance, and value addition with the focus of creating win-win solutions for duty bearers, service providers and consumers.


We recognize our varying origination and theories of operation; however, we commit to share equal space and contextualize recognition assuring inclusivity, public good, social justice, and accessibility.

Objectives and Strategic Focus

  1. To advocate for the development and or reform of effective policies and appropriate legislation for the promotion of sustainable health growth and development in East Africa;
  2. To represent and voice it’s members position in the EAC health related policy and legislation processes;
  3. To monitor the implementation of regional health policies, legislation, practices and international commitments to ensure that PSOs, CSOs, FBOs effectively drive and shape sustainable development and growth in the region;
  4. To increase and facilitate its members engagement with the EAC Secretariat, its organs, institutions and other regional economic communities (RECs) on health matters;
  5. To provide capacity building and networking opportunities for its members on health policies and legislation regionally and international.

core principles

The EAHP strategic direction and its operations shall be guided by core principles:

Unity in diversity

We shall promote “unity without uniformity and diversity without fragmentation.” Shifting focus from unity based on a mere tolerance of physical, cultural, linguistic, social, religious, political, ideological and/or psychological differences, while thriving towards a more complex unity based on an understanding that difference enriches ecological interactions.

Rights-based approach

We shall endeavor to integrate human rights norms and principles in the design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of health-related policies and programs within EAHP and sectors policies we advocate for. Mutual Trust – We shall endeavor to treat everyone fairly and with respect. We pursue an open and
trusting dialogue internally within the platform, and externally with our principals and operations


We are committed to being the best we can be. To achieve this, we fully commit to consistently delivering on expectations, go the extra mile to get the job done and constantly seek to improve ourselves and our services, cultivating our knowledge, skill, and attitudes to achieve excellence.

Positioning statement

For the East Africa based Private Sector Operators (PSO), Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Faith Based Organizations (FBOs), and Interest Group Organizations (IGOs) who aspire to engage and positively influence regional health policies; EAHP provides a One Stop Shop for evidence-based interest representation, strategic health information, capability development, and a networking for markets opportunities;

For the Public Sector and EAC health related institutions seeking to meaningfully engage non-state actors in health policy and service matters, EAHP provides a unique mix of serious, informed operators
both in the business and social investment sectors carrying the regional health integration agenda at heart;
For Development partners interested and operating in the EAC region strategically positioned to invest in regional integration through the health sector, EAHP as the only health platform, provides a single-
entry point to engaging, investing, and partnering with any non-state actor of your choice;
EAHP is a multidimensional apex body, a platform where corporate and social investors meet, work, and advance a health integration agenda in a coherent, harmonized and value-based manner.